Business tours in Athens

beyond business tours in Athens

Beyond business tours in Athens

Your business trip beyond the business aspects

I help entrepreneurs to better understand Greece while they are on a business trip with crafted Beyond business tours in Athens.

Tired of business meetings?

When it comes to business trips, entrepreneurs often find themselves consumed with meetings, presentations, and tight schedule.

However, a more enriching experience lies in diving deeper into the culture and the society of the place.

That’s why I created this exclusive service for those visiting Athens, providing an opportunity to explore the city beyond its business aspects.

Beyond business tours in Athens: get to know the country where you want to make business

Beyond business tours are designed to offer you an immersive experience that go beyond a usual business trip.

To make business in a country, it’s necessary to be familiar with the business environment. But what about all the other aspects, beyond business, how people live, historical background, politics, economy and society?

During this Beyond business tour, you will have the opportunity to discover Athens from the local side, with a local. Get to know Greece and be an insider when making business!

Beyond business tours in Athens to discover the city
Clément, creator of Beyond business tours in Athens

About me: creator of Beyond business tours in Athens

I’m Clément, born and raised in France, and I settled down in Athens in 2018.

I travelled to Greece a dozen times since I was 5, I learnt modern Greek at 12, I studied Chinese and I lived 7 years in China. In a few words, I’m passionate with languages.

For 5 years, I worked for the Trade Commission of the French consulate in Chengdu and the French embassy in Beijing. I helped French companies to find business partners in China.

In 2018, I relocated to Athens to become freelance translator and to create tailor-made urban walks.

From the combination of my activities and my past experience, Beyond business tours took shape: my experience from the Trade Commission in China, my language knowledge, my translation activity and my love for Athens.

You want to know more?

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Practical information

The duration of Beyond business tours is from 3 hours to half-day, in English or French. You can scheduled them after your business meetings.

I can include a coffee break and/or a lunch.

The final price is calculated based on the duration and the size of your group, and you will receive a free quotation. My business is registered in Greece, check the FAQ section if you have question about VAT.

I don’t provide guided services to the archeological sites, the Acropolis and museums.

quotation for beyond business tours in Athens

How to get a quotation and more information?

To receive a free quotation or for more information, contact me with the below form or send me an email at


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